Tanji Bird Reserve / Bijols Island

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Tanji Bird Reserve / Bijols Island

Situated just 6km from the main tourist centers, the Tanji bird reserve is a mixture of open woodland coastal scrub, sand dunes mangrove and also encompasses the offshore Bijol islands and Tanji River. The open wooded areas are also ideal for Pied Winged Swallow, Four Banded Sand grouse, Bearded Barbet, Yellow Fronted Tinker bird, Grey kestrel. The Lagoons along the beach attracts a host of seabirds including the ubiquitous Grey headed gull, Kelp gull, Slender bill gull, Bar tailed godwit, Sanderling, Ruddy turnstone and other migrant waders. Great white and Pink backed pelican are usually present and certainly there will be lots of Terns (caspian, sandwich, royal, lesser crested) and Ospreys.The offshore Bijol Island is the nesting colony of seabirds.

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